Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Oz and James's Big Wine Adventure

Having recently been ill, I was subjected to three weeks of my sofa and the wonders of daytime TV…..lucky me! However, in and amongst all these repeats, there was one little gem which I’d missed the first time around, and that was Oz and James’s Big Wine Adventure (thank you Dave for keeping me sane!).

Watching the programme, the thing that staggered me the most was James May’s inability to understand the concept of Terrior. It might just be me but I thought Oz’s constant attempt to help James understand deserved a medal, but I digress, the TV show isn’t what I really wanted to talk about. It reminded that I was bought the book that accompanied the show as a Christmas present, and I’d never read it! So in an attempt to stem the boredom I sat down and got reading.

Having a little wine knowledge I thought I would find the book just went over information I already knew, but I was surprised in what I found. For those of you with in-depth wine knowledge, the simplicity of Oz’s insight in to the world of French wine might not be comprehensive enough, for a wine novice it did a great job. Without over confusing the reader with the extremely complex French wine laws, it gave enough information to help make an informed choice. There was also lots of information about vineyards, the wines they produce, places of interest to visit and the whole process of producing wine, from growing the grapes to the end product itself. There is also an enormous amount of information to help you plan your own wine adventure, and whilst, yes, you could find all this out from the internet, it’s great to have it all compiled and neatly organised in one place.

A very enjoyable read which I would highly recommend to anyone no matter how much you know about wine!

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